Chronicle 6 for iOS Brings Multitasking & More

Today, we released a major, free update to Chronicle for iOS with a number of updates, including multitasking support on iPad, ability to search for bills from the Siri search screen and much more. Read on for a description of the new features. Multitasking Chronicle now supports all orientations on all devices, and supports all orientations on… Continue reading Chronicle 6 for iOS Brings Multitasking & More

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Chronicle For Apple Watch

The Chronicle update with Apple Watch support is submitted and approved, and will be released just a couple days before the Apple Watch is widely available on April 24 (Update: Chronicle for Apple Watch is now available). Chronicle for Apple Watch will allow you to quickly view and reschedule notifications, see upcoming bills at a glance and more. When… Continue reading Chronicle For Apple Watch

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Using Chronicle’s New Interactive Notifications

In Chronicle 4.6 for iOS, we added a useful new feature: interactive notifications. Interactive notifications allow you to take actions on a bill without launching the app. To access this actions, simply swipe across the notification on your lock screen or in notification center from left to right (see screenshot). If the banner notification appears while… Continue reading Using Chronicle’s New Interactive Notifications

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Important Note About iCloud Drive

If you’re excitedly upgrading to iOS 8, there are a couple things you should know if you sync Chronicle between iOS and Mac using iCloud. The important takeaway is that you may want to wait before enabling iCloud Drive if you are syncing with Mac. iOS 8 offers a new option for iCloud: when you first run iOS… Continue reading Important Note About iCloud Drive

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Sneak Peak: The Chronicle Widget

Coming in the iOS 8 update to Chronicle is a great new feature: an optional little widget that appears in notification center. A couple screenshots are below. I’ve kept it really simple: it uses Chronicle’s traffic-light style color coding: green if nothing is due soon, yellow(ish) if a bill is due soon, and red if anything is… Continue reading Sneak Peak: The Chronicle Widget

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Coming in iOS 8: 1Password Integration

The next update for Chronicle for iOS is coming out after iOS 8, and includes several new features, but one of the ones I’m most excited about is Chronicle’s new integrated browser for paying bills.  The best thing about Chronicle’s integrated browser is that it supports the new 1Password extension for auto-filling passwords. Check it out in… Continue reading Coming in iOS 8: 1Password Integration

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Chronicle Included in “Better Together” App Feature

Thanks to the App Store Marketing team for including Chronicle in the Better Together Mac App Store feature. The feature highlights various Mac Apps that sync or connect with iPhone counterparts via iCloud or otherwise. With the new iPhone app, Chronicle is the best bill tracking solution for your Mac and iPhone. If you haven’t… Continue reading Chronicle Included in “Better Together” App Feature

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