Mac: Introducing Chronicle 6.0

We’re pleased to announce that Chronicle 6.0 for Mac, a major upgrade, is now available as a FREE update to all existing users. Chronicle 6 sports a revised interface, with an updated and expanded icon set, and a completely redesigned income feature with paydays now appearing inline with bills. Dozens of other new features and improvements are available in this release as well, including:

  • Holiday avoidance: Chronicle can now automatically adjusts bills that are due on U.S. bank holidays.
  • Vacation mode: Tell Chronicle when you are going on vacation, and Chronicle will help you take care of any bills that may come due while you’re gone, so you can have a stress-free, relaxing vacation.
  • New Filters & Columns: Add and sort by a Last Paid column on the overview, plus filter bills to show only bills due in the current month, or already paid in the current month.

For more on what’s new, be sure to read our complete guide: What’s New in Chronicle 6.

If you’ve purchased Chronicle in the App Store, just launch the App Store and check the updates tab to get the update. If you purchased from our website, use the option to check for updates in the app.

If you use the iOS version of Chronicle, be sure to update to version 6.2 of the iOS app in the App Store as well, to ensure compatibility with the latest version.

If you have questions about updating, problems updating, or difficulty with the new app, please contact us.