iOS: Chronicle 6.5 adds iOS 10 notifications & more

Chronicle 6.5 for iOS is now available, and it brings three key new updates:

1. Search

Chronicle for iOS now includes search, just like it’s Mac counterpart. Just pull down slightly on your list of bills to see the search field. Now, you can quickly find any bill on your list of bills.

2. New Widget

For iOS 9 and 10, we have updated Chronicle’s widget to show more information. Instead of just telling you how many bills are due soon, Chronicle also shows you the next bill due, regardless of when it is due. On iOS 10, you can expand the widget to see the next three bills due. The widget also gets a new, nicer looking style.

3. Enhanced Notifications

Available only for iOS 10, Chronicle’s notifications are better than ever, with a beautiful calendar view that shows you exactly when your bill is due, and how many days you have left to make a payment. Plus, more snooze options mean you can get reminded again at a time that is convenient for you.

Get It Now

Chronicle 6.5 is a free update in the App Store. You get it right here. Remember, if you like Chronicle, please take a moment to leave a quick updated review or rating. It really makes a huge difference. If you have any problems with the update, don’t hesitate to contact for help.
