Chronicle 5.0 Released

I’m thrilled to announce that Chronicle 5.0 has been released here on our website and in the Mac App Store. Chronicle 5 is the biggest upgrade we’ve ever made to Chronicle. It’s almost completely rewritten to prepare for iPhone syncing, which is coming in version 5.1 shortly.

In addition to the upcoming iPhone sync, here are a few of the major new features:

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  • Chronicle is now free for managing up to 4 bills (no more time limit)
  • New design (retina ready), including over 30 new custom designed bill icons
  • Notification center reminders (Mountain Lion only)
  • Enhanced backend for blazing speed
  • More customization options for reminders
  • Integrated web browser for viewing bills
  • Interactive in-app calendar.
  • Improved income functionality.
  • Many more features and enhancements.


You can download Chronicle 5.0 right now, or get a copy in the Mac App Store. For a limited time, it’s on sale for 30% off to celebrate the launch. If you have any questions about the new version, don’t hesitate to contact us.


    1. The option to set income to repeat every two weeks is coming in Chronicle 5.1, a bit later this year. 🙂

  1. It’s a shame that the latest version is does not support Snow Leopard as not everyone wishes to update their OS or can upgrade it.

    Since we’d be stuck with v4 will there be further updates and enhancements to it or not?

    1. I know what you mean, but Chronicle 5 uses too many features that are available in Lion only to make it feasible to support Snow Leopard. Chronicle 4 works great on Snow Leopard still, but it is not likely to receive further updates, no.

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