Migrating From Chronicle 7 to 8

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Migrating from Chronicle 7 to Chronicle 8

Migration from Chronicle 7 to 8 is generally completely painless. If you purchased Chronicle from our website, or a bundle, or use Chronicle as part of SetApp, there is nothing you need to do to migrate—all your data and preferences will remain intact. If you purchased Chronicle 8 from the Mac App Store, there are a few special migration steps:

If You Purchased in the App Store

Because of Apple’s sandboxing rules, there are a few special migration steps to take if you purchased Chronicle 8 in the Mac App Store. The information and steps below only apply if you purchased Chronicle from the Mac App Store. All of your Active Bills, tags, and any bills archived in Chronicle 7 will migrate automatically. Your preferences, some archived bills from older versions of Chronicle, and attached receipts will not migrate automatically. Income may also be turned off initially, but by re-enabling it in preferences, your entries will re-appear.

To Migrate Your Receipts & Any Missing Archived Bills: Select the File menu, then select Import, then select Import Archived Bills & Receipts From Chronicle 7… and follow the instructions on screen.

To Migrate Your Active Bills from Chronicle 7 If They Didn’t Migrate: This should not be necessary, but if for some reason, you don’t see any bills in Chronicle after upgrading to version 8, select the File menu, then select Import, then select Re-Import Active Bills From Chronicle 7… and follow the instructions on screen.

To Re-Enable Income: If your income entries appear missing, go to Chronicle’s preferences, switch to the Income tab, and then click the box to enable income. Any income sources you created in Chronicle 7 will appear automatically.

Your Database Location: If you stored your database outside the default location in Chronicle 7, it will be automatically reset to the default location in Chronicle 8. You can move it again by going to Chronicle’s preferences, and switch to the Advanced tab. There, you can move your database, or re-open the database from Chronicle 7.

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